Friday 22 December 2017

How to Turn Your Smart Phone to an ActionCam

In today's world where passions are changed into the trends yes you spelled it right trends because it is the other face of the reality which we are facing in these days because people are simply copying the ideas which means now the ideas are also not safe and soon the ideas should  also have the copyright kind of thing because if someone is opting to do any thing because of his or her passion the others are ready to make the fun or opt to do the same not because of their passion but to make others passion a trend one of its best example is moto-vlogging some people who are passionate to do moto-vlogging somewhere loose hope because of lack of some of the resources the major thing which one need to start a vlog is a action camera and a channel channel anyone can make because its simple and free of cost but drops its idea because of the lack of action cameras soo called action cameras if you are one of them who has dropped his or her idea of moto-vlogging just because of the lack of action cameras this post is for you in this post I will tell you that how you can simply start moto-vlogging without a action camera not only one idea but I have many of them all you need is just your smart phone and few other things which will cost you less than 500 rupees just you need is a wrist band and a simple mobile holder attachment which is generally used in a tripod stands selfie sticks which you can get from amazon from this link (Mobilegear Universal Selfie Stick Mobile Holder Attachment for Tripod & Monopod for Smart Phone Photography) and your self made action camera at your home in less than 500 rupees all you need is to attach the mobile holder with your helmet permanently or with the help of some mount attach your phone to that holder attachment and for the extra safety you can tie up your phone tightly with help of the wrist band which is generally used in gym to support your wrist and your home made or self made action camera is ready to go now we come to the sound recording which is the another topic to think upon I have a solution for that also you can simply attach your ear phones to your phone and you can fix the mic of the earphone inside of your helmet and your mic is also ready or another option is that you can later record the audio and synchronize with your video and you are all set for vlogging.

Another idea is that you can go for a handle mount you can get it from (Vheelocityin Super Grip Motorcycle Handle Mobile Holder For Bajaj Pulsar 150) but this idea cannot work for every bike because of the handle issues and the visor issues but if you are not facing any above problems you can use that handle mount also you can simply attach your phone to that mount and you are ready to go and for mic you can use the same method your earphones and synchronize it later another way is to go for a chest mount which comes with the action cameras you can attach your phone to that chest mount you can get it from this link (Adjustable Body Chest Strap Belt Mount for GOPRO HERO, SJCAM, Yi)

"I hope these ideas will help you to turn your passion and ideas into reality without getting  an action camera in your life"


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